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Let's talk about APIs

How can we help you today?

Zwapgrid API.1

Are you searching for a unified way to access your customers financial data from Nordic systems?

Book a meeting - API.1


Are you a current customer using our integrations and need to get in touch with our support?

Contact support


Are you looking for work, internship, discuss great ideas or ask about the weather?

Say hello

A safe & efficient way to share data, both for you and your SME customers.

  1. Connect to Zwapgrid API.1.

  2. Design the data flows you want your customers to consent to.

  3. Invite your customers using the API.1, where it is most suitable, e.g. in your own platform, app or homepage.

  4. Customers give their consent, log in to their system and authorize sharing of data.

  5. Customers' data flows to you through API.1 and you can use it for factoring, better credit assessment and more. 
